Posts by Nottingham Rockets
Announcing a Junior Volleyball Program for Nottingham

Nottingham Rockets Volleyball has gradually been increasing its Junior section since the first Covid19 lockdown and is now in a position to announce the next stage in its evolution.

A new junior volleyball program has recently been implemented has already had a significant impact on the juniors in the club. The program, which is open to children ages 9-17, aims to introduce the sport of volleyball to young athletes and help them develop the skills and passion for the game.

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Nottingham Rockets
Sitting Volleyball Grand Prix Winners -

1st Volleyball England Sitting Grand Prix of season 22-23 and we romp the tier 2 group.

Our current players are from Rockets and Casualties standing teams plus a couple of new members joining Rockets specifically for Sitting sessions.

We are looking for new members to join us for Sitting sessions.

If you have seen volleyball you don’t just ‘stand’ when you play because it is very dynamic … so Sitting Volleyball isn’t just ‘sitting’ either.

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Nottingham Rockets
Junior Volleyball in Nottingham

Nottingham Rockets junior volleyball development pathway is on fire!!

Not only do we have 3 ex- juniors training and competing for the England senior squad we also have 3 current juniors in the National squad development group.

Last season we also had over 20 players representing East Midlands at the Inter-Regional competition.

Some of our juniors even train and play in the adults National league teams.

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Nottingham Rockets
Internationally Renowned Volleyball coach comes to Rockets

Amazing coup for Nottingham Rockets!!

Henryk Lakomy, one of the most successful coaches from the UK has agreed to coach at Rockets while he is on a sabbatical back in the UK.

Henryk has coached volleyball for more than 30 years. Most of it has been in the top division in England, which included winning the National Cup.

He has also coached....

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Nottingham Rockets
Nottingham Volley Fest 2022

Nottingham Rockets are holding their first ever Volleyfest which is open to all-comers. The club will be holding two separate competitions for Juniors and Adults side by side.

The first half of the day will be a round robin format and in the afternoon the top 2 placed teams from each court will go into the ‘cup’ competition and the rest will play for the ‘plate’

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Nottingham Rockets
Event participation and photography/filming

We take every precaution possible at training sessions, matches, club competitions and social events to prevent injury or damage to property..

Assumption Of Risk - Most injuries sustained through sports activities have no instances of negligence. There is almost always the possibility that injury may occur when engaged in a sport. This means those that play sports take responsibility for any instances where harm may occur.

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Nottingham Rockets